
Showing posts from December, 2021

Raven Gets Really Personal...

This is personal and embarrassing and this makes me highly uncomfortable but I need to write this out anyway. Whether or not I publish this... I'm not sure yet. Might as well be blunt. I need a breast reduction for medical reasons. But surgeons don't like taking Medicaid for such things because, to be honest, they can charge more for other insurances and people who pay upfront. So I'm having no luck finding a surgeon who would be willing to help me. My PCP's office is trying to help me. They are working with Medicaid to see if they can find any surgeon will to do this. I'm so sick of this. I have constant back pain. This really is a medical necessity for me but the damned surgeons are just so greedy. All they care about is how much money they can make instead of worrying about actually helping someone in need. I really don't know what to do anymore. I had briefly thought about a GFM but I decided against it. I don't even know how much the surgery would cost....