
Showing posts from September, 2020

Ramblings & Failed Exercises

Just a little train-of-thought exercise, trying to get over this damn writer's block that I've had for far too long. I used to write a lot. I wrote articles for a newsletter. I wrote poetry. I never have written a story though. I started one once but it never went anywhere. I'd love to publish something someday... if I can get over this damn writer's block. I can't even keep my blog going on a regular basis. This honestly hurts me. I want to write. I really do. I want to play DnD. I want to have a long term campaign but something always stops us. (My gaming group is my family.)  We have an opportunity to play with another family online. It should be a lot of fun. I just hope my family can get the right characters. Some of us *cough* have trouble sticking with an idea. I already know what I want to play. I want to play a High Elf who is either a Necromancer (Philosopher kit) or a Wizard (Witch kit). I hope our DM allows the Philosopher. It's *supposed* to be for ...