
Showing posts from October, 2018

This is My Path and I'm Not Going Back

I should preface this by stating that I was raised to be Catholic. I remember when I was a child I used to pretend to be a Witch in a coven. Mysterious cloaked figures gathering in a circle. I had no idea what they really did but that's what I was wanting to be. Those thoughts ended up in my subconscious. I didn't know that Witches were real. When I was older I saw Def Leppard's video for Bringing on the Heartbreak. This inspired thoughts again of Witches and covens. I wasn't able at that time to do anything about those thoughts. Books were not readily available. When I went to college  my circumstances changed. My Dad bought me my first tarot deck. I don't know if he really knew what this was. I met Liz and Chan and some others. Liz taught me what she could. Chan took me to a metaphysical shop where I bought a necklace/amulet and a book. My first book on the Craft was Starhawk's "The Spiral Dance". For whatever reason things went on hold for me ...

Prayer to Bast

Divine Feline  Bast, Devouring Lady, Lady of Truth Thousands of years we shared the same planet Thousands of years hast Thou protected us Thousand of years do we hold Thee sacred Divine Feline, Mysterious Cat, Lady of the East Thou unite in Thee the two opposite powers of nature Gentle and caring mother of kittens Tearer of mice and rats Protectress of mankind Thou are the Mistress of Joy  Thou are the Mistress of Pleasure Thou are the Mistress of Dance and Ecstasy Divine Feline, Goddess of the Birth Chamber Light Bearer, To live with Thy incarnations is a pleasure To watch Thy behavior is teaching us To run with Thee in dreams is honoring Thee and following Thy path. Always free Always solitaire Always independent Never ungentle {My apologies. I do not know who to credit for this.}