Prayer to Bast

Divine Feline 
Bast, Devouring Lady,
Lady of Truth

Thousands of years
we shared the same planet

Thousands of years
hast Thou protected us

Thousand of years
do we hold Thee sacred

Divine Feline,
Mysterious Cat,
Lady of the East

Thou unite in Thee the two opposite
powers of nature

Gentle and caring mother of kittens
Tearer of mice and rats
Protectress of mankind

Thou are the Mistress of Joy 
Thou are the Mistress of Pleasure
Thou are the Mistress of Dance and Ecstasy

Divine Feline,
Goddess of the Birth Chamber
Light Bearer,

To live with Thy incarnations is a pleasure
To watch Thy behavior is teaching us
To run with Thee in dreams is honoring Thee and following Thy path.

Always free
Always solitaire
Always independent
Never ungentle

{My apologies. I do not know who to credit for this.}


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