A Witch I Am, A Witch I Be
Is there such a thing as starting your Craft over? I need to back up and refresh myself. My Practice has been so disrupted for so long that I'm not feeling like I'm getting anywhere. Part of this disruption is due to a number of circumstances beyond my control. Part of this is due to my health, both physical and mental. And part of this, I would assume, is due to my Catholic upbringing. I've called myself Pagan, Wiccan and a Witch for decades but I still feel like a novice. I don't feel like the Crone that I should be at my age.
I got the Calling in the mid 80s. I had one mentor and one book. The internet wasn't a thing then and books were hard to come by where I lived. I no longer have that mentor but I have many books. Plus I have the internet and my many Witchy friends online. I have a wonderful support system, but I still feel like an imposter. I don't connect with my Deities the way that I feel like I should. I should clarify that I have this horrible habit of comparing myself to others. It comes from life-long low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence. (Yes, I'm in therapy.) Imposter syndrome comes easily for me, unfortunately.
I'm not sure that "fresh start" is really the appropriate term here but I don't know what else to call it at this time. I need to refocus. I need to back up and relearn some things. I know I'm a Witch. I feel it deep within me.
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