Raven's Offering to Thoth
I've always been at a loss as what to offer Thoth, but now I think I have a good idea of what to offer Him: my ttrpg character. Someone told me that He likes to be included in things, and one of my greatest joys is playing ttrpgs such as Dungeons & Dragons or Palladium. So why not dedicate my character to Him? It's something that would definitely be coming from my heart. I put a lot of myself, or rather, a lot of my ideal self, into this character. Her name is Lilith Angelica Addams, aka Lily aka Lily-Angel. I picked this name because many years ago I wanted to change my name to Lilith Angelica, and my nickname used to be Lily. As for the Addams surname... I've always felt like I should be part of the Addams Family. I've fictionalized my own history for her story. (As a side note here, we're using the Palladium system for this campaign.) Lily is a teenager who is just discovering that she is a Witch. I really think this campaign will be a lot of fun, if we can ...