Raven's Offering to Thoth
I've always been at a loss as what to offer Thoth, but now I think I have a good idea of what to offer Him: my ttrpg character. Someone told me that He likes to be included in things, and one of my greatest joys is playing ttrpgs such as Dungeons & Dragons or Palladium. So why not dedicate my character to Him? It's something that would definitely be coming from my heart. I put a lot of myself, or rather, a lot of my ideal self, into this character. Her name is Lilith Angelica Addams, aka Lily aka Lily-Angel. I picked this name because many years ago I wanted to change my name to Lilith Angelica, and my nickname used to be Lily. As for the Addams surname... I've always felt like I should be part of the Addams Family. I've fictionalized my own history for her story. (As a side note here, we're using the Palladium system for this campaign.) Lily is a teenager who is just discovering that she is a Witch. I really think this campaign will be a lot of fun, if we can actually get things going. For some reason we have trouble getting our Palladium games off the ground. Perhaps with Thoth looking over my shoulder for this one, perhaps this time things will work.
I've printed out a copy of Lily to put in my Book of Shadows.
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