More Raven Ramblings - Probably Repetitive
I'm trying really hard to deal with my anxiety and depression. Sometimes these things are triggered for me and sometimes they just hit me for no reason. My feelings of inferiority start coming in, or I start worrying about what *could* happen. Sometimes I start thinking about what I *should've* done in this or that situation. Yes, I get the all-dreaded "coulda, woulda, shoulda". At other times I do the equally dreaded "comparing myself to others", be that other gamers, others of my chosen Spiritual path, other writers... I blame my past. I blame certain family members, most of my schoolmates, my ex-husband. Anyone who has known me long enough knows that I'm emotionally scarred by these people. I've certainly talked about it enough.
Comparing myself to other writers is a problem... Yes, I know. Don't do that. I can't help be in awe, though, at how prolific some of these writers are. And I can't help but wish that I could be as prolific with my own writings. I know that I could be. I used to be like them. And I can be again someday. I do believe this. I just have to find the right subject to crash through this blockage. I'm starting to get a few ideas, at least I think I'm getting some ideas? Sometimes my mind just rambles and some of those ramblings seem like good subjects to write about.
I have yet to post to this blog on any regular basis, and I wish I did. It also has no set theme, though that's not as important. Mostly I get on here and ramble. But that's okay! At least I'm writing something. That's a start. I wish to be a prolific blogger. I really do. But the inferiority complex comes in. How can I be a prolific blogger if I don't have anything interesting to say?
I haven't written any poetry in quite awhile too. Believe it or not, that used to be my strong point. I used to write a lot of poetry. Now I just get stuck.
I know what happened to me. Please forgive me if I've already wrote about this. I honestly don't remember posting about this and I'm too lazy to look back through my older posts. (Hey at least I'm honest about the lazy part.) I had a heart attack in February of 2009. I lost my creativity then. My husband and I have talked about this several times. I've not really written like I used to, poetry or otherwise. I need to find a way to get my creativity back. By the way, the anniversary of that heart attack is coming up on the 9th, just saying.
And as I read over this post it occurs to me that the one thing I'm good at writing about is not being able to write!
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