A Debut of a New Day

I've got to admit that I'm feeling 100 times better than I was feeling last night. Today is so much brighter and so much better!

If only the "a" key on my laptop wasn't sticking. I practically have to pound it to get it to work. *sigh*

I didn't get much sleep last night. Didn't get any sleep at all until after 3:30. And I was up before 9:00 this morning. But that's okay. This morning I got to watch something that is still making me smile.

I got to watch T.M.Revolution perform the TV debut of his new single FLAGS!

Okay, I didn't get to see it on TV since it was in Japan. But I have a program on  my laptop called KeyholeTV. It provides live-streaming of Japanese television. And while the feed was choppy and at times got pixilated, it was of good enough quality that I could enjoy the show. It's so rare for me to get to see T.M.Revolution's television performance outside of YouTube, and I was so thrilled to get to see him debut his new single. He tweeted about being nervous, but he did a great job!

I've been in a wonderful mood ever since!


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